July 5, 2014

Out with the Old, In with the New

I never really saw myself writing a blog...like ever! I figured my life was very uneventful so why would anyone read what I wrote? LOL. However I recently decided that since I am about to take on a new journey in life, writing a blog would be an entertaining hobby and a way for my friends and family to keep up with what's going on in my life. 

Courtesy of Bryant Tyson Photography

As many of you may already know, my name is Lisa and I am a recent graduate of THE University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. GO TAR HEELS! I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a minor in General Anthropology. I can honestly say that college was one of the most challenging, yet rewarding experiences of my life thus far, and I'm sad that I can no longer call Chapel Hill home. 

So my readers might say, "Lisa, you have a degree. What's next in line for you?" Well...it's time for me to "take my talents to South Beach" (or at least as close as I can get). In just a couple days, I will be moving to Jacksonville, Florida for a new job opportunity. I couldn't be more excited,yet nervous at the same time, and here's why: 
Why I am nervous: 1. I know ABSOLUTELY NO ONE (I mean not a single person) in Jacksonville. I've never even been to the city before! Who will I hang out with? Who will I run to when something is wrong? My friends and family will be 7 hours away from me. It's kind of like going to college for the first time all over again; I have to find people who understand me while leaving the comfort of the people I know who already love and adore me. Making friends can be hard out here in these streets lol! 2. BILLS, BILLS, BILLS! This is the first time I will actually be forced to pay bills that are way more than just my tab at a fast food restaurant. No more financial aid, REFUND checks, or someone making sure that my expenses are paid for, on time. I guess this is the life of an adult, huh?

And here is why I am excited: I know ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! A big move like this allows me to experience new things, meet new people, and live in a city I never thought I would ever live in. It allows me to start fresh, spread my wings and take what I've learned in college and apply it to the "REAL world". Never let your nervousness or fear keep you from pursuing what is unknown. My thought process is, "If I try it and don't like it, I always have somewhere to call home." I don't know if my parents would like that so much but hey, it's worth a try lol I'm excited for you all to join me on my journey as I "Take Over Florida"! Bye North Carolina. Hello Sunshine State!

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

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