July 8, 2014

Do It For The 'Gram!

Photo Credit: Do The Right Thing

These days it seems as though a woman's worth is determined by the amount of 'likes' her pictures receive on Instagram or Facebook. The same can be said for men as well. I have friends who are so absorbed in gratification from others that if their picture doesn't reach a certain amount of likes they delete the picture off of their page. 

As I started writing this blog post, I saw one of my twitter friends retweet a tweet that said, "I hope social media slows down before I have kids, I really don't want my daughter thinking a 'wcw' is the sweetest gesture she deserves." (WCW = woman crush Wednesday...for those who may not know). It's sad that in this day and age, one of the main ways in which people seek to build self-esteem is through the glorification of their looks. We spend more time choosing filters for our photos than we do educating ourselves about what is going on in the world today. 

At the end of the day, social media is just that: SOCIAL MEDIA. We like keeping up with the lives of our friends and family, celebrities, whomever. You're nosey; I'm even nosier LOL! There's definitely nothing wrong with that. Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc to show the true confidence in yourself. You can definitely show the respect that you have for yourself (and possibly others) without DOING the most or SHOWING the most. Remember: the element of surprise is a beautiful thing!

If you want to "do it for the gram", by all means, DO IT FOR THE GRAM. Be BADD! Be POPPIN! If you look in the mirror one day and you're just like, "Dang! I look good," by all means share that with the world. I'M HERE FOR ALL OF IT! But don't let the opinions of others define who you are.

"I hold myself to a higher standard because I realize I AM a higher standard." One of my Sorors said this statement, and it has stuck with me since the day she said it. Once you think of yourself as such, you can't help but BE YOURSELF! (Plus it takes too much time and effort trying to keep up with what and how others think of you)


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